Thursday, September 7, 2017

My 3rd (and last) Casino The Day Before Opening

About a year after this last version of Parktown games opened, Linden Lab changed the rules on gambling in on mainland in Secondlife and the whole deal came to an end.  It looks kind of like minecraft now, but at the time it was pretty impressive.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Harrison Harasses Chipwald

goodlookindude: chipwald i want to make love with y ou slowly then harder
Tessla Koyal (chipwald.zelwald): ew

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Why You Should Never Give Your Phone Number To Harrison

[11:42:51 AM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: Harrison just put my phone number in local!
[12:51:48 PM] Edgar Button: what's his problem?
[12:52:04 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: i told him to leave constance alone cause she was sick of him harassing her phone
[12:52:10 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: and he got all mad at me and defensive
[12:52:17 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: and I told him he was a piece of shit
[12:52:21 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: so he put it out
[12:53:04 PM] Edgar Button: good lord
[12:53:19 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: yea.....:/
[12:53:29 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥:

09:37] Collateral Genius (crypticaleyes): no
[09:37] addie Braveheart: by air it out on open chat
[09:37] Collateral Genius (crypticaleyes): harrison is stalking young girls for years man
[09:37] addie Braveheart: i am not stupid
[09:38] addie Braveheart: if htey had a issue and were scared of harrison
[09:38] addie Braveheart: like they claim
[09:38] addie Braveheart: they do it private
[09:38] JoeCoolio1: *************  (phone number removed)
[09:38] addie Braveheart: no talk about it on public
[09:38] addie Braveheart: THEY WANTED DRAMA
[09:38] addie Braveheart: AND THEY GOT IT
[09:38] addie Braveheart: cause these bitches bored
[09:38] ßℜℰℰŹĪℰ ( thats uncalled for
[09:38] Oh WOW soooo trendy (gothicnightmares):  ~* lol *~
[09:38] addie Braveheart: if u think we are stupid
[09:38] addie Braveheart: we aren't

[12:54:42 PM] Edgar Button: wow banned again since last night
[12:56:08 PM] ♥♥♥Dreams♥♥♥: ugh, of course!

For the record: Harrison was banned a total of Six times yesterday.

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