Monday, August 31, 2020

Ten Years Since Operation Harrison Pigface

 This January, we celebrate the tenth year of Operation Harrison Pigface, the troll that ended the musical career of Harrison Digfoot in Secondlife.  

You can read my original account of the event here

I want to say the Chapel organized the troll, but it might have been Celeste.  I know I was there, Starr, Jider, Damnright, Chapel, and Nym.  As you can tell from the photo there were plenty more.  The one guy not in a Harrison Digfoot avatar is Socrates who was too drunk to figure out how.

I can't remember why I didn't mention the girl's screen name in the original article.  Maybe she asked me to or something.  Either way, I won't here either.

You'd think after this, Harrison would never bother another high school girl, but sometimes people just don't learn.

There was a pretty good video of it, but it's long-since gone.  I want to say it was on Crunk's channel.

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