So, my blog has been gone for weeks now and there are still 100 to 200 people a day that check this web address to see if anything has changed.
I'll spell it out for you...
Not a goddamn thing has changed...
The crazy people are still crazy, the angry people are still angry, the lonely people are still lonely and the addicted people are still addcted. Leslie's still in a homeless shelter, Nacho's wearing a dress, Harrison is looking for high school girls, Stefanos is angry and nuts, yadda yadda yadda. Who really cares?
Secondlife is dying and these people are trapped in a repetitive downward cycle of nothingness.
If you're curious about the Britbong saga, check Twitter and Youtube. It's heating up but I just don't care because it really is just more of the same.
Look, if you've been using Secondlife as some sort of real-life reality show, the show's over. It jumped the shark maybe a year and a half ago and now they're just waiting for the contracts to run out.